淡水旅遊地圖設計 - 淡水寶地 LOGO
普羅大眾的淡水印象是個擁有許多名勝古蹟、在地美食等等的觀光勝地,不過還有許多不有名或是不被重視導致生存困難的失落文化,然而在地居民或地方產業工作者正在進行式的搶救,希望可以得到重視並得以保存。以藏寶的概念與導覽地圖結合,希望藉由此地圖將大眾與在地文化可以用很親民的方式連結, 產生共鳴與記憶,主要先以大家熟知的地景文化為出發,連結相關產業卻面臨消失或是較不被重視又或是漸漸沒落的失落文化,將這些產業、文化等擬人化放入地圖上讓大家來尋寶。
Tamshui Tourism Map Design - Tamshui Treasure LOGO
The general public's impression of Tamsui is a tourist destination with many historical sites, local delicacies, etc., but there are many lost cultures that are not well-known or are not valued and making it difficult to survive. However, local residents or local industrial workers are making The rescue, hope can be paid attention to and be preserved. Combining the concept of treasure with the guide map, I hope that the public and local culture can be connected in a very friendly way through this map.
To generate resonance and memory, we mainly start from the well-known landscape culture and connect related industries but face lost cultures that are disappearing, less valued, or gradually declining. Put these industries, cultures, etc. on the map. Let everyone go treasure hunting.
普羅大眾的淡水印象是個擁有許多名勝古蹟、在地美食等等的觀光勝地,不過還有許多不有名或是不被重視導致生存困難的失落文化,然而在地居民或地方產業工作者正在進行式的搶救,希望可以得到重視並得以保存。以藏寶的概念與導覽地圖結合,希望藉由此地圖將大眾與在地文化可以用很親民的方式連結, 產生共鳴與記憶,主要先以大家熟知的地景文化為出發,連結相關產業卻面臨消失或是較不被重視又或是漸漸沒落的失落文化,將這些產業、文化等擬人化放入地圖上讓大家來尋寶。
Tamshui Tourism Map Design - Tamshui Treasure LOGO
The general public's impression of Tamsui is a tourist destination with many historical sites, local delicacies, etc., but there are many lost cultures that are not well-known or are not valued and making it difficult to survive. However, local residents or local industrial workers are making The rescue, hope can be paid attention to and be preserved. Combining the concept of treasure with the guide map, I hope that the public and local culture can be connected in a very friendly way through this map.
To generate resonance and memory, we mainly start from the well-known landscape culture and connect related industries but face lost cultures that are disappearing, less valued, or gradually declining. Put these industries, cultures, etc. on the map. Let everyone go treasure hunting.
淡水旅遊地圖設計 - 找回失落的島民 | 淡水藏寶地圖
淡水旅遊地圖角色設計 - 找回失落的島民角色設定